The crankiness of month 4 continues...I don't think it's teething so much as it is his new super awareness. This makes him tired faster. It also means that he sees things that he can't get to on his own, so he gets frustrated. He has come up with a method of "crawling" that is slow, but if he is left unattended could be dangerous. I will try to capture a video of it soon, but basically his legs go crazy and can go under his hips and his butt can go up in the air, then he wiggles while his face remains on his hands or on the bed so he kind of scoots himself a few inches at a time.
I'm not sure what he is up to here, but it appears he may be trying to escape his changing mat. |
More clowning around with his seahorse buddy |
Oh look - he DID escape! |
I almost had a heart attack when I walked back into the room and his head was on the floor, but then I realized he didn't bang his head. He had slowly moved his upper body out of the mat and rested his head on the floor (at least I think, because I didn't hear a bump and he was in a perfectly fine mood) then as I walked in, brought his legs out using his abdominal muscles.
This week, Baby CP likes to touch everything. He seems to be very interested in texture. The mirror, the kitchen countertop, metal, sheets, upholstery materials, the list goes on and on. He's pulled the camera and lamp off of the desk too.
Baby CP also figured out how to prop himself up with his arms while sitting in just a couple days. He can't do it for long before he starts to fall over thought so I spot him.
Grandma CP will appreciate this piece of news....We finally, we put together Baby CP's crib and moved him out of his bassinet. His first nap lasted 45 minutes. We'll see how he takes to it tonight.

I forgot to mention last week that we made the jump and stopped swaddling Baby CP. It was starting to be a hazard since he could roll over and he was starting to get a little too tall so his feet were getting close to the bottom of the swaddle sack. One night, a couple weeks ago, he woke up every 1-2 hours, so I figured if he is going to wake up that often while swaddled, I might as well wean him from the swaddle at the same time so I would only have to suffer once. It turns out, that is was a short phase and he only went through two nights of the frequent wakings. Now he is back to sleeping longer stretches and has gone 6-9 hours without the swaddle. He's seems to have gotten used to his new freedom and he is better able to get comfortable while he is sleeping - often rolling to his side and even onto his belly which he seems to like.
This past weekend, Baby CP visited Cousin BY and attended a baby shower for twins. Babies are everywhere!