Monday, February 3, 2014

Halloween! (A very late post)

I've been delinquent, but I'm making up for it with Halloween photos!  Baby CP is wearing the same costume as last year...why?  (1) He was sick last year and only wore it for half an hour and (2) I'm a lazy mom.

This year, Baby CP was old enough to run around and start to understand what Halloween is really about....costumes and candy!  In the morning, Baby CP took a stroll through the Orrick offices with mommy.  It was mommy's last week at the firm, so perfect timing for the little buddy to check in and say goodbye to all of the secretaries who give him tons of attention.  He loves the ladies.

At daycare, they brought the kiddies to some other local Halloween events so that they show off their costumes and learn more about trick of treating.

Finally, in the evening, Baby CP was invited by his buddy Mini Burrito to partake in a local Halloween celebration.  Mr. CP and I had to get rid of/hide most of the candy that was obtained, but we let the little guy have some chocolate, which is his absolute favorite food.

Phew!  It was a long day.