Tuesday, February 26, 2013

20 Months, 2 Weeks

It's been very interesting to see what Baby CP has been up to at daycare recently.  When he first started, he wasn't very interested in any arts and crafts projects, but recently he has been participating in things like making valentines and sandwiches.
I'm told he eventually took the sandwich innards out, ate only the good stuff and ditched the bread.
His daycare providers also continue to take him on outings to local parks and the library.  Recently they've been exploring plants and flowers.
I like to call this one Blue Steel.
A slightly odd piece of information - Baby CP is freaked out by Humpty Dumpty.  A couple months ago, we were watching a Dora the Explorer episode that includes a short section about Humpty Dumpty.  When Humpty Dumpty was in view, Baby CP started to cry loudly.  Mr. CP thought that Baby CP was distraught at the thought of Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall and cracking.  Last night that episode was showing again and I thought he would probably think nothing of it, but once the egg was in view, Baby CP started crying super loudly...tears and everything.  He said he was scared and demanded to watch Bob the Builder and repeating "No Dora.  No Dora."  Who knew Humpty Dumpty was such a scary guy?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Amazing Changes

They say that baby brains are like sponges.  They're learning constantly from the moment they are born.  First they are adjusting to day and night and just being out of the womb.  Then they learn to smile and use bring their hands together and then they sit up, crawl and then walk.  It's been 20 months of constant development, yet some of the more recent speech and motor skills development seem to be bigger.  They probably aren't, but as humans, speech and communication are so important, that perhaps we just value these developments more even though we shouldn't.

I'm not sure what is going on here...maybe they're making play-do?

Babies probably learn the concept of object permanence closer to when they are 6 months old, but now Baby CP can also remember things clearly that happened more than a day ago or people that he saw days ago.  For example, this weekend he was playing with his uncle's stepladder.  We told him not to and he would continue to try to do it with a mischievous giggling as he tried to get to it.  His uncle took the stepladder home when they left.  About 30 minutes to an hour later, I saw Baby CP take off for the hallway where the stepladder used to be with a troublemaking grin.  I knew what he was after - and then I heard "uh oh...where go?"  Haha...foiled!  One day, Baby CP saw a toy ambulance that looks just like his cousin's and started to say his cousin's name, but he hadn't seen his cousin's ambulance for at least a few weeks. 

While cousin Junior was over, I saw Baby CP walk near him and then run away to the basement door laughing.  He did this a couple times and then started saying his cousin's name from the door.  After the first couple times, I realized, he is trying to get his cousin to play a chasing game with him!  I suspect he must play this game with someone at daycare, because he runs to that specific space like it's "base".  We didn't teach him that.

Baby CP has been singing with us for a while - if we stop at the end of a line to a song, he can fill it in - but lately he's been singing on his own and sometimes close to in tune, so I don't think he's tone deaf.  =)  Last night, he kept singing "Thomas Train....Thomas Train....Thomas Train"  over and over again until we all fell asleep.

I'm sure there are a lot of other cool things he's been learning that I just can't think of off the top of my head.  He impresses me with something new almost everyday.

Monday, February 11, 2013

20 Months Old

I had gotten a video of Baby CP kicking pretty well during swim class, but I deleted it by accident!  He doesn't do it consistently, but when he does, he gets excited because he's moving forward.  He goes underwater for a little while and it doesn't seem like he's swallowing water while he is down there.

Enjoying himself at daycare.

For Superbowl Sunday, we went to Mini Burrito's house and Baby CP had a BLAST.  Baby CP went for hours running back and forth from Mini Burrito's room to the living room playing with all the toys and didn't ask me or Mr. CP to hold him the whole time.  Baby CP and Mini Burrito play very well together and didn't fight or scream or break anything.  It was nice not to have to follow Baby CP around all day...he stayed out of trouble.
Causing trouble during a diaper change.

Every now and then Baby CP can speak a full sentence.  A few days ago, he said, "kai che qu can nai nai." ("Drive the car to go see grandma.")  But actually we were just taking him to day care.  Baby CP also likes to sing and dance along with some of his cartoons.

Baby CP making sushi at daycare!
Baby CP had a doctor's appointment last week.  They said he has grown to 35" and weighs 25 lbs.  (Our scale at home says he is closer to 26 pounds though.)