It all started with a week and a half of being sick with a few days of high fever. He was needy and crying all the time AND the ugly head of the terrible twos has shown itself. They were here in full force and now that he's feeling better, thank goodness he is mostly back to normal, but signs of the terrible twos indeed remain.
He refuses to let you take any item of clothing off without a fight diaper changes often involve screaming and/or crying. This I find bizarre. We try to distract him with interesting things, but he's just really upset if you try to undress him. He also doesn't want water poured over his head in the bath anymore and tries to climb out and get as far away from me as possible.
He gets upset when other people play with his stuff and he protests by telling you that someone is playing with "my car"!
Baby CP was very excited to play with the fire engine at a local block party last weekend. |
Sometimes he refuses to sit in his carseat or a stroller. If we're in a rush we have to force him into the carseat which results in crying really hard for a really long time. Super annoying...but you gotta go what you gotta do sometimes. I think we have to start planning even more of a time buffer into anything because the terrible twos may rear it ugly head at any time.
Unfortunately while he was still recovering, Baby CP started acting very unhappy at daycare, which resulted in staying home for a couple days. Even the week after he was better he still protested when we dropped him off. The teachers said that he still played with his friends well but wouldn't allow the teachers to get too close (i.e. the same stuff like changing clothes or diapers). Thankfully today he greeted his teacher with a smile though I saw hesitation on his face when I handed him over. I hope he was ok today.
Baby CP and his daycare buddies playing outside at the new location |
On an unrelated note, he seems to have grown a noticeable amount recently and he's been eating more than he used to eat. And thankfully, now when he doesn't want to eat something instead of spitting it out on the floor (or my couch!) he comes back to the plate and spits it out there.