For July 4th, Baby CP and I took a week long trip to New York to visit grandma and grandpa. He was entertained by his videos and snacks and didn't give me any real trouble during the flights. Our flight to NY was actually delayed for a couple hours, with one of those hours sitting on the runway, but he was a trooper and cooperated the entire time. Thank goodness for Peppa Pig!
On the night of July 4th, Baby CP was excited about the fireworks which were on display from both the front and back of gong gong's house. At first they were in the back only so he stood in the window. Then when they also started to have them at the beach on the other side of the house he ran back and forth trying to see everything.
Baby CP had fun playing games with gong gong and po po. He liked to bury gong gong with EVERYTHING, including pillows, clothing, tools, shoes (until po po told him that was dirty), and anything else he could find. He enjoyed playing with gong gong's tools and swinging upside down. He and po po also enjoyed having pillow fights.
Since it's summertime, there were many delicious treats to be had - Baby CP enjoyed long yan, lychees, watermelon and many popsicles. He was a pretty good eater during the entire trip.
Baby CP had his semi annual checkup - no cavities - but didn't really agree to let gong gong do the the flouride treatment this time.
Of course there was mischief all along the way, including shoving a headphone into his nose on the plane ride back. Little punk.