Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting Better at Falling Asleep

Last week, we were lazy about the whole sleep training thing because mommy was tired and daddy was preparing for final projects, though I worried that the inconsistency would confuse Baby CP and cause us to have to start all over again.  Luckily, that didn't happen and on the past three nights, Baby CP cried for only about 1 minute before falling asleep.  (I just walked into the room to fix his blankets and woke him up by accident, but instead of taking him out of his crib, I let him cry and he fell back asleep after about 2 minutes.)  Unfortunately, this doesn't mean he's been waking up any less at night.  Eventually, we will have to wean him from his night feedings, but I think he has seemed genuinely hungry the past few nights.  We are hoping that after he learns to swallow his solids, he'll get less hungry at fingers are crossed.