Sunday, January 1, 2012

30 Weeks Old - Happy New Year!

Baby CP is now over 30 weeks old.  He can sit up on his own now by moving from all fours to his side and then to sitting.
We have moved the bath location to the bathtub because Baby CP likes to splash the water and also for safety - he can get very squirmy.

Baby CP's weight and height remain steady a few ounces above 19 lbs and around 27 inches.  He has his next checkup in a couple weeks, so we'll see if he grows more before then.  He's so far eaten congee, oatmeal cereal, pureed pears, pureed apples and smashed bananas.  We didn't really stick to the 7 days between each new food program, but so far it doesn't seem like he has any allergies to what he's eaten.  For the rice and oatmeal, he lunges for the spoon so I think he likes eating.  I'm not sure if it's because he thinks it is fun or because he is hungry.  He had eaten bananas for a couple days and then didn't want them anymore.  Then when we tried apple sauce, he didn't seem to like it at all on the first day.  Today, I combined the two and added a tad of water and he ate it all up.  My guess is that you have to feed him solids during the day before he gets tired.  I think feeding him solids at night when he's fussier hasn't been as successful.

A couple weeks ago we abandoned the cry it out method.  Baby CP seemed to make progress, getting down to as little as 2 minutes of crying some nights before falling asleep on his own, but then there were other nights or naptimes where it would take 20 minutes.  After trying it for about 2-3 weeks, I felt that he was just falling asleep because he was tiring himself out and not because he had actually learned how to soothe himself.  Instead, I have started feeding him a bottle about half an hour to an hour before bedtime and I keep feeding him every so often until he seems about ready to sleep.  Then I carry him around for a couple minutes over my shoulder and he falls asleep pretty quickly.  For weekend naptimes, I pop him into the ergo and then transfer him into the crib a couple minutes after he falls asleep.  I do think cry it out did help him learn how to get through the transfer phase though so it probably wasn't a waste of time...before all of this sleep training, transferring Baby CP into his crib was always tricky and he probably woke up about 50-70% of the time.  This lead to him sleeping in our bed a night after his first night waking - I was just too tired to deal with transferring him into his crib.  The past week, however it's gotten much easier, he often opens his eyes when I'm putting him into his crib, but once he hits the mattress, more than 90% of the time, he just seems happy to go to sleep so I haven't had to put him in our bed.  I'm hoping he can keep this up. 

Today, Baby CP has been acting very strange.  He has been frantically trying to find things to chew on.  I assume he must be teething again...but this didn't happen last time.  Mr. CP caught him trying to climb into the laundry basket to find something to chew.  I gave him a pacifier the two times I put him in the ergo and he seemed to like chewing on it and it also helped him fall asleep within minutes.  It's the first time I've seen him take the pacifier in over 3 months.