Baby CP turns 13 months old in just a few days and so far he is quite the athelete. His walking skills continue to improve daily and he enjoys kicking soccer balls at home and at the park. He also likes to play baby basketball by putting a little basketball through a baby hoop. In swim class, Baby CP still hates to lie on his back, but he has started to kick...his form isn't correct, but you can tell that he has the idea that moving his legs may somehow help him move forward. Baby CP is also a dance machine! At first he would dance to one particular song...then to a variety of even just a tasty blueberry might bring it on. We have to get some video of all of these activities soon.
Baby CP went on his first bike ride, unfortunately, this photo is a little blurry. |
This weekend we took Baby CP to the San Francisco Zoo. It was drizzly in the morning, but the animals were out and about and Baby CP got a good look at the giraffes and gorillas.
After the drizzle stopped, Baby CP wanted to get on the ground to try out his new shoes. |
Mommy was experimenting with Instagram here.
Baby CP may have been saying "mama" and "baba" for a while....maybe he can also say "nai" for milk, but we're never quite sure. Since he is obsessed with buttons and switches, it doesn't surprise me that his more deliberate first words are "guan" and "kai" but more often a hybrid of the two which sounds like "gan" when he points to switches and demands that you take him there to let him turn the lights on and off. One word that I know he knows for sure is "gou gou" for dog. He points to images of dogs and says it...I guess those are the things that are most important to him at the moment. =)
Apparently Baby CP knows what is stinky. If he farts, burps or poops, he bats at his nose to tell you something stinky happened. Also, if I say "poo poo" or poop in Chinese, he will grunt, as if he is trying to can be a little faker. He loves to make you smell his stinky feet too.
By our rough measurements, we think Baby CP is about 24 lbs and 29 inches tall, which would put him in the 50-75 percentile for weight and 10-25 percentile for height but that doesn't seem right - He looks pretty tall to us and is barely chubby anymore. We'll see what the doctor says at his checkup in a couple weeks.