Monday, August 20, 2012

14 Months, 2 Weeks

Unfortunately, I left our camera at my brother's place last week, so we have no new photos.  Baby CP caught a cold last week, most likely from me.  It's nothing serious though, just a runny nose.  He was also drooling a TON, but I am not sure whether that was because he had to breathe with his mouth open or if it was due to teething. 

Baby CP received his vaccine for chicken pox last week.  He cried when the nurse stuck him with the needle, but it was quick and stopped crying quickly.  He did learn from his nanny how to say to get pricked in cantonese.  If you ask him where he was stuck, he will point to his thigh and sometimes he says it himself and uses a finger to "prick" his other arm.

We realized that while Baby CP continues to learn new words every couple days, he only really says one syllable words.  So for strawberry, which  is "cao mei", he says "mei" and for rainbow, which is "cai hong" he says "hong".  The only two syllable words he says are two of the same syllables, like "ba ba" and "ma ma".

Someone introduced Baby CP to grapes and raisins last week and he loves them!