Tuesday, March 26, 2013

21 Months, 3 Weeks

These pictures make me laugh.

Baby CP has a new favorite cartoon - Busytown Mysteries.  He likes to sing along with the theme song.  He definitely has preferences for different shows at different times - he might request Dora or Busytown Mysteries one day, but on another he'll say no Dora.
  I think these are fine motor skill training exercises.  He looks very focused.
Baby CP was sick this week.  His teachers said that on this particular day he was so unhappy except when they were making these lanterns.  He had not been this unhappy since his first week at daycare and he insisted on being held all day and asked for mommy all day.  Poor guy.  His runny nose seemed to have dried up yesterday though, which is pretty good.  Usually it takes about 10 days to run its course.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sentences, Counting & Songs

Baby CP has started to link more words and can form sentences....many are commands, but he can make some statements too.

Come here Mama.
Come on Baba.
Baba shang che ("daddy get in the car")
Kan baby shu ("let's read the baby book")
Mei kan dao Dora ("I don't see Dora")
Ziji Zou Ziji Zou ("I want to go [downstairs] by myself")

I have no idea how he ended up with the pineapple cookie cutter, but I LOVE it!

Baby CP understands the concept of counting and can count up to five in English and 10 in Chinese (though for some reason, he usually stops at 3 or 5).  He's more likely to count higher if you ask him how many of something there are in a book.  He also says "abcd" and sort of understands the concept of letters, because I was told he saw a "6" somewhere and said it was a "b", but I've never heard him say any letters beyond "d".
I'm not sure whether this is bread, a cookie, or nothing edible at all.

Baby CP likes to request songs and he can sing along for a good part of the Wheels on the Bus song, Row your Boat and the Chinese song about two little tigers.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ahhhhh - Open Up Mr. Fishy

After Baby CP had his cleaning, he had some time to kill before the dentist came in to check his teeth for cavities and gingivitis.  Baby CP was being helpful by helping Mr. Fishy brush his teeth.  If only he were this good at brushing his own teeth...

This is a recent video of Baby CP kicking underwater.  He's still got some improvement to do, but he has no fear of going under the water and trying to go somewhere.

Baby CP was making his own lunch last week - wontons.  Yum.  He ate 6 - which was the most of anyone else that day.

Baby CP had to get some shots today.  He seems to know that he doesn't like the doctor's office, because once we went in, he asked if we could leave.  I let him watch some videos so things were fine until the shots, partly because I had to hold him down.  He really really hates being held down.  He stopped crying a few seconds after the bandaids went on though.

Monday, March 4, 2013

21 Months Old

Baby turns 21 months old this week.  We've hit a little rough patch with the sleeping.  I'm not sure why...he just tries to delay when it's bedtime or he listens to all his stories but then has some trouble settling down.  Maybe there is some extra brain development going on.  He's been learning words super fast these days and putting ideas and words together.  He can jump about an inch off the ground with both feet.  He can even take apart and put train tracks together.
I think Axl Rose had a similar look...
This past weekend, we went to the Aquarium by the Bay on the Embarcadero.  Baby CP enjoyed looking at some fish and especially liked touching the starfish.
I see you!
Let me at 'em!
My precious starfish.
Baby CP went to his first dental visit this week as required by his pediatrician.  Much to my surprise, Baby CP allowed the dental assistant to clean his teeth and brush flouride onto his teeth and then he let the dentist check for cavities and gingivitis.  I was a little annoyed because if Baby CP let's me brush his teeth (which is about 1 out of every 2 nights), he only gives me about 20 seconds to do so.  The dentist told us we had to pin him down to do it for his own health though...so that's what I do now...but I still have to work very fast.  I think last night (the second time I had to pin him down), Baby CP realized that it had to be done, so after his crying and my brushing, he said he wanted to sit on the bench with me and brush his own teeth.