Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sentences, Counting & Songs

Baby CP has started to link more words and can form sentences....many are commands, but he can make some statements too.

Come here Mama.
Come on Baba.
Baba shang che ("daddy get in the car")
Kan baby shu ("let's read the baby book")
Mei kan dao Dora ("I don't see Dora")
Ziji Zou Ziji Zou ("I want to go [downstairs] by myself")

I have no idea how he ended up with the pineapple cookie cutter, but I LOVE it!

Baby CP understands the concept of counting and can count up to five in English and 10 in Chinese (though for some reason, he usually stops at 3 or 5).  He's more likely to count higher if you ask him how many of something there are in a book.  He also says "abcd" and sort of understands the concept of letters, because I was told he saw a "6" somewhere and said it was a "b", but I've never heard him say any letters beyond "d".
I'm not sure whether this is bread, a cookie, or nothing edible at all.

Baby CP likes to request songs and he can sing along for a good part of the Wheels on the Bus song, Row your Boat and the Chinese song about two little tigers.