Baby CP turns 35 months old tomorrow, which means the big 3 is coming up quick! Here he is busy at work making some something pretty. His recent artwork will be contributed towards Mother's Day gifts for his grandmothers.
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Check out his sweet tattoo! |
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It looks like they're enjoying some storytime. |
Baby CP had a pizza night with some friends over the weekend. Each child made their own pizza at our pizza station and ate it for dinner. He was a good host and shared his toys with everyone.
This morning, Baby CP woke up in a weird mood. He's been having nosebleeds at night again, and he had two last night, so I wonder whether he was just a bit too tired this morning.
Me: Hey, there is some delicious mango here for you to eat for breakfast.
Baby CP: NO! No mango!
Me: But you love mango.
Baby CP: Sometimes...but not today.
We walked to BART rather than scooting today, and unfortunately, when he got out of the BART he decided that he didn't want to go to school.
Baby CP: Where are we going next?
Me: School.
Baby CP: NO! (as he starts crying). I don't want to go to school!
Me: But why? Don't you like playing with your friends and going to the park?
Baby CP: Sometimes....but not today.
I guess he has figured out that things aren't always constant, even favorites, and that sometimes, we are in the mood for something while others we are not.
He looks like he's all smiles here though. |
Sometimes when Baby CP sees candy or other kids drinking juice he will whine and whine about wanting it. The weird thing is that when he sees candy in a store, he'll say things like "I see candy, but I don't want it because it's someone else's." or "I see candy, but I don't want it because it's spicy." One day, Baby CP said to me that he doesn't have this 18-wheeler truck called Mac from the Cars movie. I told him that although he doesn't have it, he doesn't need it, because he can pretend that his car carrier is Mac. He likes to repeat this back to me sometimes...or say that he doesn't need some other toy because he can pretend with one of his existing toys. I KNOW this phase will pass and he will not be so easy to convince as he gets older, but right now it makes a mommy proud. The other day, he found my paint roller and told me that it was Frank. Frank is a combine tractor from the movie Cars. I was impressed as he tried to run over his Lightning McQueen with his combine just like in the movie.
Baby CP enjoys swim class but it's too short. Here is a video of him working on what they call "up face." You put your face down and every now and then you come up. I think he needs to be pushed a little more and at 3 years old, they graduate to the older class where parents no longer get in the pool. I hope that will be an easy transition.
In anticipation of Baby CP moving onto preschool where we will unfortunately have to start packing his lunch everyday, I asked Baby CP's teacher what he likes to eat at school. He apparently eats on his own everyday at daycare, so I thought if we could reproduce his favorites, he will continue to eat at preschool. They told me that he likes dumplings, steamed egg with ground turkey, pasta with chopped veggies, sandwiches that include tomato, and breaded and fried chicken and pork. Apparently he's got something against pumpkin. I can't say I really blame him for that.
We signed up for a short mini photography session this past weekend. It was only 20 minutes long, but it was just the right amount of time for the attention span of an almost 3 year old. I sometimes wonder whether we should have done it when he was younger since these are the only professional photos we have of him so far, but I don't think he knew how to pose and behave in front of a camera back then. I think there were a few pretty good shots. We'll find out later this week.