Friday, August 12, 2011

9 Weeks Old

This week Baby CP's path to obesity continues.  He weighed in at close to 15 lbs and measured about 24 inches (getting an exact measurement is kind of difficult).  According to the growth charts, this puts him in the 50th percentile for height and 75-90th percentile for weight.  What a chubbers!  He moved up to size 2 diapers a couple weeks ago.

Baby CP learned a new game this week.  If he is in good spirits, he will look at me and smile.  If I stick out my tongue, sometimes he will mimic me and do the same and smile.  If he sticks out his tongue first and I respond by sticking out my tongue he will smile a big open mouth smile.  It's very cute.  I wish I could capture it on video or camera, but he doesn't seem to like the camera and I can barely even capture a normal smile before he gets distracted and stops. 
As far as Baby CP's social calendar goes, this week, he attended an all you an eat buffet with mommy and daddy and friends and he also made an appearance at a BBQ in Berkeley.  He stayed awake during both events and was pretty well behaved.  He also made a stop at Ikea after the BBQ and that's when he had his meltdown.  Way...too...tired.