I read somewhere there babies are more likely to rollover if they are naked. Apparently they like to be more active when they feel free from the confines of clothing. Baby CP has a tiny bit of diaper rash, so today I figured I would kill two birds with one stone and give Baby CP some time for his skin to breathe (you can't see it but he has no pants or diaper on) and a few minutes of exercise. We've only tried tummy time a handful of times, and each time, Baby CP starts whining or crying immediately. I considered it a minor success if he raised his head just high enough to get to his hand so he can suck on it and even if he managed to do that, crying would begin within a couple minutes thereafter. Something must have clicked today, because after I gave Baby CP a tiny amount of assist in turning over, I witnessed Baby CP's first successful tummy time session - he did not cry and in fact seemed to enjoy it.
As I have mentioned before, it's really difficult for me to get a photo of Baby CP smiling. He gets really distracted by the camera, but I think in the case of tummy time, it actually gets his attention in a good way - he lifted his head higher and longer to look at it. Here are some photos that I took on my cellphone.
He's getting the hang of it. Check out the drool on his sleeve. |
With mommy's encouragement he can lift his head and semi-smile at the same time. |
Look at that height! |
Here's a video of Baby CP in action and my silly words of encouragement...though I'm sure he doesn't understand me. Too bad I don't know how to make the video show vertically. Don't strain your neck watching. =)