Sunday, August 28, 2011


Yesterday, we helped Uncle A and Aunt S move into their new digs.  While the guys were packing up the U-Haul, Baby CP was testing out a new skill - Rolling from back to back to front (leading with his left side).  He did it once on the couch first which was soft and slanted, so daddy didn't believe he truly had the skills.  A little while later, he showed daddy up by rolling over on the floor twice!

Then later in the afternoon after lunch, I was walking around with Baby CP in the backyard and I heard what sounded like a chuckle.  I brought him over to daddy to make sure because I couldn't see Baby CP's face and sure enough Baby CP was laughing...laughing at what, we have no idea, but he laughed a few more times while playing with mommy later.  Actually, Mr. CP claimed that he heard Baby CP laugh on Thursday night in the dark while I went to get mango drinks with Aunt S and Uncle M, but I didn't believe him.  I guess daddy wasn't crazy after all...