Thursday, September 29, 2011

16 Weeks Old

We missed the 15 week old posting because Baby CP has been a handful lately.  As of a few days ago, he's been showing all the signs of teething.  Drool check...sticking fingers in mouth with determination poop check...crying in his sleep during naps check...overnight change from mellow baby to an insanely fussy baby check.  I think I feel a little sharp point on the lower left side of his jaw as well.
Angry little fella'
This week, Baby CP weighs in at 16 lbs.  It seems his weight gain has slowed down, but he looks skinnier so we think he's grown taller.

Baby CP can roll over from back to belly on flat surfaces without batting an eye these days and does it ALL THE TIME.  It often only takes him one attempt and he's over.  His legs are getting really strong and he looks like he is sooo ready to crawl.  Sometimes he will grab at the sheets to try to pull himself while his legs are kicking, so we really think he is trying to get somewhere.  He's very determined.  Maybe he'll be an early crawler if he can get more arm strength.  Baby CP has also started to notice his feet.  Sometimes when he's in my lap, he reaches for and grabs his toes.

I am also happy to report that Baby CP is expressing his happiness more these days.  So far, he's not one of those babies that is always smiling, but he smiles more than he used to when you engage him and for longer periods of the day as long as he takes sufficient naps. The best is the little laugh that he gives when I pretend to munch on his arms and belly.  Two days ago he was obsessed with the word "chubby" - the more I said it, the more he laughed.   =)

Baby CP was awake during mommy baby yoga last week and spent much of the class showing off his rolling over skills and lifting his head up high to look at everyone.  He was smiling with the instructor as she used him to demo the "baby pretzel".

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby CP Likes Music

Baby gurus recommend singing to babies to calm them down or help them sleep, but up until recently, Baby CP was immune to the charms of Mr. CP's and my singing.  He didn't really take notice of music playing in the background either.  But over the past week or so, we have discovered that he likes music quite a bit.  If he's awake and you make him dance to the music, he smiles and has fun.  He had a meltdown in the carseat last night, but we started to play some Chinese kids' songs and he stopped crying within a minute or two.  Another thing I have noticed is that he likes to in my arms across my lap nowadays, and if he is a little overtired or fussy, my singing to some music really helps him close his eyes.   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 Weeks Old

This week, Baby CP has had a busy schedule.  He went to a BBQ at Aunt V's house.  He attended 2 mommy/baby yoga classes and a pilates lesson with mommy.  He slept through them all.  He took his first bus ride to attend his first playgroup with some older babies at Mini Burrito's house - he was very well-behaved, quietly watching all the other kids walking around and playing with toys.

Baby CP is rolling over quicker on both sides.  I no longer put him on his belly for tummy time as he is just rolling over onto it himself now.  It looks like he's trying to fnd a way to fall asleep on his belly sometimes too.  I freaked out a little when I woke up this morning and he was on his belly with his nose in the bed.  He was fine though and probably didn't appreciate my waking him up.

He is gaining more and more control of his hands everyday.  Yesterday, he used his hand to grab the edge of his changing mat (and his toes to grab the ledge of the moulding) to help himself rollover.  Today, he grabbed Sophie the Giraffe with both hands.
Why is he wearing that mitten on one hand you ask?  He has learned to scratch the eczema on his left cheek.  He has also figured out how to take that glove off with his right hand sometimes.

We did not weigh or measure Baby CP this week.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rolling With His Homies

Here is a photo of Baby CP rolling into his seahorse buddy.  That little playpen thing is almost too small for him now.

Friday, September 9, 2011

13 Weeks

Baby CP is now more than 13 weeks old.  Recent milestones include - holding his own hands together in the center and a couple nights of sleeping 8 hours in a row.  8 hours!  It could be a growth spurt or it could just be that he likes sleeping.  =)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rolling Right

We think Baby CP is right handed, so I thought it was strange that he started trying to roll left first.  He has managed to turn left a couple times, but most of the time he just gets really close and he's usually only trying to turn that way if his stomach hurts, if he's hungry or if he's really sleepy - basically whenever he has a complaint.  Yesterday, I decided to lie down on his right side to see if he'd roll towards me and he tried to do it.  He failed, but he had pretty decent form.  Today, he woke up after a 5 minute nap (it took me 30 minutes to get him to fall asleep by the way!), and he decided he'd try to roll towards me on the right again.  I was impressed that he was sooo close after a couple tries, so I ran to grab my phone to take a video, but by the time I got it he had already rolled over and was lifting his head high and smiling.  I can't believe he mastered it so quickly!  We really need to be careful with him on any elevated surfaces now...


Here are some smiles that I was able to capture. 
Around 2 months old

Last week

Goofy smile.  His head looks like a butternut squash.
At first he only smiled at mommy.  It took a little while longer for him to start smiling at daddy.  Nowadays, he smiles at new people new too, but we haven't been able to make him laugh again like he did a couple weeks ago.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 12 - Growth Spurt?

I swear he got bigger overnight.  The day after he got his shots he just looked much bigger to me in all dimensions.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 Month Physical (at almost 3 months)

This morning, I was nervous...Baby CP had an appointment for his 2 month physical which I knew would include vaccines.  We arrived on time and Baby CP was a little fussy from the get-go and started whimpering.  Maybe he knew what was coming...

The nurse asked me to remove his clothes for the weight and height measurements, which seemed to calm him down.  He weighed in at 15 lbs 8 oz and around 25 inches, which is around 90th percentile for both...he's a big kid.   

The calm before the storm...
Baby CP was given an oral vaccine and 3 shots.  The first shot caused normal crying...the second caused more elevated screaming...and the third was like a 3 alarm fire.  Luckily the nurse worked fast.  Baby CP was a trooper though...I held him for a couple minutes, fed him a little and he quieted down.  I popped him into the stroller and we were on our way.  Baby CP passed out on the way home. 

When we got home, Baby CP woke up but was strangely quiet - no crying and no fussing and almost smiles.  He went down for a 20 minute nap and then it started...the crying...the fussing...insisting on being held in order to nap for about 10-15 minutes at a time.  He can even cry in his sleep!  My arms felt like they were going to fall off. I had to give in and give him a little Baby Tylenol.  He fell asleep right away...I'm hoping he was just super cranky because of a combo of the pain and lack of sleep.  Maybe if he's well-rested tonight, I can get by without giving another dose.