Friday, February 10, 2012

35 Weeks Old

This post is also a couple weeks late, and by now, I'm sure my weekly age count is wrong, but we'll keep pretending that I didn't miss any dates.  =P

We brought Baby CP back to the pediatrician's office for another weigh in.  He weighed 19 lbs 13 oz. He still hasn't broken the 20lb mark, but at least he has gained some weight.  The doctor said that he's right around the 50th percentile now, so he's fine.  I figured as much since he's a pretty happy baby, but the doctor had been a little concerned since Baby CP used to be in the 90th percentile at 3 months and and then didn't gain weight for 2 months (months 6 and 7).  Baby CP has been introduced to meat...he had some beef in his rice porridge at a couple Chinese restaurants.  He really likes to eat with us and is very well behaved if he has something to eat while we're eating.  We've also tried adding some wild caught salmon into his rice porridge, but he didn't seem to like that very much.  Last week mommy gave him some mashed blueberries without the skin and he seemed to think those were tasty.  The doctor said to try giving him some veggies and to avoid juice, since it's mostly just empty calories.

On Sunday, we tried the saline pool at the newly renovated YMCA in Chinatown.  It was about 82 degrees which by adult standards is pretty warm, but since babies don't really know how to kick yet, they just get cold.  The second Baby CP hit the water he became very upset.  That was a tough 30 minutes.  I'm lucky he didn't catch a cold!  We'll go back to Le Petit Baleen in San Bruno where the pool is as warm as a bathtub.

Baby CP likes being spun around in a circle.  It makes him laugh.  I am not sure whether he gets dizzy...but I do.  Sometimes he finds it relaxing though...if he's tired and in the ergo spinning around a little induces a smile and then his eyes close and he falls asleep pretty quickly.

Here is Baby CP at the park.  At his age, he should probably be lying down in the swing, but he insists on looking around.

Here is a photo of Baby CP in the Presidio.  We went to the bowling alley to celebrate auntie T's birthday and walked by these cannons.  Baby CP seemed to find it amusing to sit on them.  This also happens to be just a few steps away from where mommy and daddy got married.  =)