Baby CP has been sick with a snotty nose for over a week. =( Unfortunately, he HATES having his nose wiped and will scream if you get the aspiration bulb anywhere near him. I'm not sure if it's the stuffiness or teething, but he's not very enthusiastic about eating solids these days. This week I prepared pureed string beans, pureed zucchini, curry potatoes and cauliflower. I can get him to eat only a couple spoonfuls before he refuses to open his mouth and quickly loses patience with sitting in his high chair. He will eat a few pieces of banana at night though.
Baby CP took only 2 days to figure out how to drink water from the straw in his
Zoli BOT sippy straw cup. I didn't even have to entice him into learning by putting juice in it. I bought him the straw cup because I didn't like that he had to tip his head back with the other types of sippy cups. He enjoys holding onto the handles himself and shoving the straw into his mouth.
Taken on my iPhone. I wish our lighting was less yellow. |
Last week, Baby CP had his first bottle of formula. He hasn't had any formula since he was 2 days old when we had to force feed him a few drops by syringe in an attempt to clear his jaundice. Formula seems pretty convenient to make and Baby CP drank all 5 oz without batting an eyelash. I guess it must taste good. I'm thankful it was that easy, because Baby CP has been eating an extra bottle a day and mommy is going to try to cut down on the number of daily pumping sessions to free up an extra 30 minutes a day. The supplement takes a little of the pressure off.
He's trying to escape with my bag. |
Baby CP has become confident in his crawling - though he still uses that one leg like a propeller...his nanny thinks he does this because the hardwood floors are slippery - Baby CP will now try to leave to explore other rooms on his own and sometimes will follow me into other rooms.
Baby CP is more consistent with shaking your hand (wo wo shou) and giving you a high five if you ask in the morning or after he's not seen you for a while. Maybe he knows you only greet people when you see them at first and not when they've already been around for a while. =P