Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Activities

On Saturday, Baby CP woke up at 5:15am.  Yes, that's right 5:15!!  We had to get something from the plumbing supply store and decided to ride our bikes there.  Baby CP is like a kid in a candy store when he goes there because there are hundreds of faucets on display for him to play around with.  They also have cheddar goldfish trail mix and today, there were other kids to play with.  What an awesome morning!  He fell asleep during the 10 minute ride home.
I showed him an episode of Diego rather than Dora this morning and he was totally engrossed.  He learned a couple new words from it even though I think that show is for a slightly older crowd and that Dora is more appropriate right now.  He dances all the time when he's watching Dora.  He has nice moves!
Being helpful in pushing the Costco cart

Sunday morning is swim time.  Baby CP is moving his legs in the pool when he tries to go somewhere, but it's not proper kicking yet.  He enjoys jumping into the water and smiles a lot during class.  Afterwards, we headed to the Fort Mason farmer's market because we are totally out of groceries and they have good, reasonably priced pesticide-free produce there.  Baby CP loves the live music.  In the afternoon, his cousin Junior stopped by.  Ever since the trip to Tahoe, Baby CP refers to him by his name...he also refers to Junior's parents by his name.  =)

Baby CP has been eating very well the past three days, eating three large meals each day plus snacks.  His daycare provider started to separate his foods so they're not mixed together and he's been eating better there ever since.  I'm hoping it will continue, but who knows.  Apparently, Baby CP has made  a couple friends at daycare.  You'd never know given the way he carries on when I drop him off in the morning.  His teacher said that he prefers to run around with the boys and doesn't play with the girls that often.  She also said that he knows a lot of words, probably more than most of the other kids at daycare because some of them don't have any mandarin speakers at home.  He can combine more than 2 words now, though usually he speaks about 2 words at a time.