Baby CP was officially 8 weeks old on Tuesday - that's 2 months old! Hard to believe...
Mysterio predicts I will be a... |
Just relaxing... |
T-shirt courtesy of Aunt C |
Our little future criminal mastermind weighed in at around 14 lbs (he was wearing clothes and had just eaten). He is growing everywhere...especially noticeable are his head, hands and feet. His chest looks quite a bit broader as well.
It was a sunny day, so Mommy and Baby CP celebrated by taking a nice long walk for some coffee and lunch. Baby CP was quiet and awake for most of it, until the end of mommy's meal - he got bored of the loud music in the restaurant. Note to self...hipster restaurants with loud music are probably not a good place for babies.
Developments - This past week, Baby CP started smiling more while awake. This usually happens in the mornings after he has eaten and pooped and is getting his diaper changed. I suppose if it were me, I'd smile then too. =P He has also had extended periods of calm in the evenings. He is content lying on a playmat in the living room with mommy and daddy while they eat dinner and/or catch up on some tv. Baby CP now drinks at least 3.5-4 oz from a bottle everyday (followed up with additional feeding)...he's a hungry little one. And last but not least, Baby CP now will use the pacifier to fall asleep when he's tired. It just takes a few minutes or seconds for him to settle down and shut his eyes. Then it either falls out on its own or I pull it out after a few minutes. It kind of works like magic...