Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Finally...a Successful Session of Tummy Time

I read somewhere there babies are more likely to rollover if they are naked.  Apparently they like to be more active when they feel free from the confines of clothing.  Baby CP has a tiny bit of diaper rash, so today I figured I would kill two birds with one stone and give Baby CP some time for his skin to breathe (you can't see it but he has no pants or diaper on) and a few minutes of exercise.  We've only tried tummy time a handful of times, and each time, Baby CP starts whining or crying immediately.  I considered it a minor success if he raised his head just high enough to get to his hand so he can suck on it and even if he managed to do that, crying would begin within a couple minutes thereafter.  Something must have clicked today, because after I gave Baby CP a tiny amount of assist in turning over, I witnessed Baby CP's first successful tummy time session - he did not cry and in fact seemed to enjoy it.

As I have mentioned before, it's really difficult for me to get a photo of Baby CP smiling.  He gets really distracted by the camera, but I think in the case of tummy time, it actually gets his attention in a good way - he lifted his head higher and longer to look at it.  Here are some photos that I took on my cellphone. 
He's getting the hang of it.  Check out the drool on his sleeve.
With mommy's encouragement he can lift his head and semi-smile at the same time.
Look at that height!
Here's a video of Baby CP in action and my silly words of encouragement...though I'm sure he doesn't understand me.  Too bad I don't know how to make the video show vertically.  Don't strain your neck watching.  =)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tsk Tsk

Last night we were eating dinner and watching shutter island.  I had put Baby CP on his back on this blanket so he could hang out a bit before bedtime.  We were busy eating and watching when I noticed Baby CP had been suspiciously quiet for about 10-15 minutes.  I had seen him moving around before that and turning to his side.  When I looked over I found him balanced on his side and watching tv!  He wasn't trying to go to his back or his front or fidgeting at all...just lying perfectly still.  Tsk Tsk.  I immediately moved him so he couldn't see the screen...then he got bored and just wanted to go to bed.  Who knew 3 month olds want to watch tv already.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Yesterday, we helped Uncle A and Aunt S move into their new digs.  While the guys were packing up the U-Haul, Baby CP was testing out a new skill - Rolling from back to back to front (leading with his left side).  He did it once on the couch first which was soft and slanted, so daddy didn't believe he truly had the skills.  A little while later, he showed daddy up by rolling over on the floor twice!

Then later in the afternoon after lunch, I was walking around with Baby CP in the backyard and I heard what sounded like a chuckle.  I brought him over to daddy to make sure because I couldn't see Baby CP's face and sure enough Baby CP was laughing...laughing at what, we have no idea, but he laughed a few more times while playing with mommy later.  Actually, Mr. CP claimed that he heard Baby CP laugh on Thursday night in the dark while I went to get mango drinks with Aunt S and Uncle M, but I didn't believe him.  I guess daddy wasn't crazy after all...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bellybutton A-OK

A few weeks ago, Baby CP's bellybutton was still leaking some mucous-like fluid from time to time.  The pediatrician said it was a granuloma and referred us to a pediatric surgeon.  It took us about a month to get that appointment and by the time we did, Baby CP's bellybutton dried up.  The surgeons told us it looks ok for now and no procedures will be necessary unless the oozing comes back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

10 Weeks Old

Somehow I ended up with the same outfit in two different sizes.   What a difference 9 weeks makes!
1 week old, size 0-3 months
9 weeks old, size 3-6 months

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Swing Revisited

Apparently he liked it enough one day to doze off for a while...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nice Hat

Daddy was having a bit of fun with the little one...

Friday, August 12, 2011

9 Weeks Old

This week Baby CP's path to obesity continues.  He weighed in at close to 15 lbs and measured about 24 inches (getting an exact measurement is kind of difficult).  According to the growth charts, this puts him in the 50th percentile for height and 75-90th percentile for weight.  What a chubbers!  He moved up to size 2 diapers a couple weeks ago.

Baby CP learned a new game this week.  If he is in good spirits, he will look at me and smile.  If I stick out my tongue, sometimes he will mimic me and do the same and smile.  If he sticks out his tongue first and I respond by sticking out my tongue he will smile a big open mouth smile.  It's very cute.  I wish I could capture it on video or camera, but he doesn't seem to like the camera and I can barely even capture a normal smile before he gets distracted and stops. 
As far as Baby CP's social calendar goes, this week, he attended an all you an eat buffet with mommy and daddy and friends and he also made an appearance at a BBQ in Berkeley.  He stayed awake during both events and was pretty well behaved.  He also made a stop at Ikea after the BBQ and that's when he had his meltdown.  Way...too...tired.

A New Place to Play

I've been busy during the day over the past couple weeks working on a refinancing and helping my brother with the paperwork involved in buying a house.  It's difficult to leave Baby CP unattended while he's awake, because he gets lonely and fusses or I worry about what he's up to and I feel I should be talking to him.  I had a lot to do though and it required me to sit in front of the computer for a while, so I decided to put his play station into the little computer area so he wouldn't get lonely and so he could see what I'm doing.  He's still getting used to being in there, but it's the best arrangement I could come up with so far.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mr. Personality

A couple weeks after coming home from the hospital, Mr. CP said Baby CP doesn't seem to have a strong or unique personality...all he did was cry, poop and sleep and all in what seemed to be an average way.  I told him that Baby CP just needed some time.  At 2 months, it's still difficult to really know what Baby CP's personality will be like, but one thing is for sure...he likes his freedom.  He HATES being put into any kind of swaddle and he loves lying around naked.
He looks pretty happy.

He also seems to like being outdoors.  He's quiet when mommy takes him for his afternoon walks.  He is well behaved when visiting new places and meeting new people.  And as long as he isn't hungry, although many babies like to sleep in car seats and strollers, Baby CP prefers to look stay awake and take in his surroundings.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

3 months? I think not.

It seems rather difficult for clothing companies to accurately size their clothing.  I tried to put Baby CP into this monkey suit which was sized 3 months...he can't extend his legs!  According to the growth charts, Baby CP is only in the 50th percentile for height, so he's not a giant.  It would make life easier if companies went with a weight or height range rather than age.  There are a whole bunch of these outfits that were handed down to us that Baby CP will never wear because we missed the window of opportunity.  Oh well.

Friday, August 5, 2011

8 Weeks Old

Baby CP was officially 8 weeks old on Tuesday - that's 2 months old!  Hard to believe...
Mysterio predicts I will be a...

Just relaxing...

T-shirt courtesy of Aunt C

Our little future criminal mastermind weighed in at around 14 lbs (he was wearing clothes and had just eaten).  He is growing everywhere...especially noticeable are his head, hands and feet.  His chest looks quite a bit broader as well. 

It was a sunny day, so Mommy and Baby CP celebrated by taking a nice long walk for some coffee and lunch.  Baby CP was quiet and awake for most of it, until the end of mommy's meal - he got bored of the loud music in the restaurant.  Note to self...hipster restaurants with loud music are probably not a good place for babies. 

Developments - This past week, Baby CP started smiling more while awake.  This usually happens in the mornings after he has eaten and pooped and is getting his diaper changed.  I suppose if it were me, I'd smile then too.  =P  He has also had extended periods of calm in the evenings.  He is content lying on a playmat in the living room with mommy and daddy while they eat dinner and/or catch up on some tv.  Baby CP now drinks at least 3.5-4 oz from a bottle everyday (followed up with additional feeding)...he's a hungry little one.  And last but not least, Baby CP now will use the pacifier to fall asleep when he's tired.  It just takes a few minutes or seconds for him to settle down and shut his eyes.  Then it either falls out on its own or I pull it out after a few minutes.  It kind of works like magic...