Wednesday, July 20, 2011

6 Weeks Old

As of yesterday, Baby CP is 6 weeks old.  I don't have any new pictures to share, but we measured Baby CP last night and he's 22.5 inches.  That means he's grown 2 inches since birth.

This past week, Mr. CP was successful in getting Baby CP to drink about 2 oz from a bottle a few times.  The little guy still wants to eat from the source right after, but this is good progress.

Today, I swaddled him before putting him down for 2 naps.  During the first nap, he managed to wiggle his way out of the blanket without making a peep (so I had no idea until about an hour and a half later - sneaky!) and fell back asleep on his own.  During the second nap, I heard him whine a little and I saw him try to wiggle out but I was starving so I ignored him to get a couple bites of my lunch...and what do you know...3 minutes later, he had settled back to sleep on his own again.  Mommy is very impressed!

BTW - He still hates the pacifier.  Oh well.