Apart from his visits to the pediatrician, Baby CP and I have been confined to our home. Grandma CP did all the cooking and cleaning while she was in town for a month, so there was no need for us to leave. Plus, with the recovery that my body needed and the frequency of the feedings, it was pretty inconvenient to go out. A little after Baby CP's 3rd week, Mr. CP put him into the Baby Bjorn and we took a walk to Natural Resources to weight the little booger.
Strapping him in |
A cute hat for sun protection |
Mr. CP, Aunt L and I took bets on how much weight Baby CP could have gained in his 3 weeks...Aunt L was the winner. It's hard to see, but the scale says 10 lbs 7 oz, but Baby CP was wearing a shirt and a diaper, so we think he's approximately 10 lb and 6 oz!